Last week, Transportation Nation offered up a good summary on the current state of affairs of SF Taxis. Of course, this news includes significant rate increases - proposed and passed.
While you can find the entire article here, we wanted to insert how cabFLARE can address the issues Christiane Hayashi, SF Director of Taxi Services (the city’s liaison to the cab drivers) kindly shared in her Q&A with Transportation Nation.
Q: How would you describe the taxi situation in San Francisco right now?
A: If you want to boil it right down to the simplest equation, it is that the taxi passengers need to connect with the taxi drivers. In Los Angeles they did a study, their taxis are empty 40% of the time. If we could get taxis to be empty less of the time, more people would be getting taxi service, and the taxi drivers would be getting more.
CF: So SF doesn't have their own utilization rates, but obviously assume they are similar to LA (and NYC, btw). cabFLARE is the first solution to openly challenge the age old taxi industry adage that you cannot reduce empty cruising time without reducing availability. We are certain that communities using cabFLARE will increase driver revenue relative to fuel costs, while providing better service delivery to consumers and reducing empty cruising by 25%.
Q: Why is it so hard to find a taxi?
A: Passengers and drivers have effectively trained each other in a way that ensures that they will not meet. The customers tend to call more than one taxi knowing that no likely is likely to show up. They call every phone number in the book and they’ll take the first taxi that arrives. Well, that means that every other taxi that responds finds the customer’s not there. Well, if the taxi driver doesn’t respond, the customer is trained to call all these companies, or whatever they can do to get a cab.
CF: cabFLARE is a timed, direct referral service - each cabFLARE lasts five minutes. This means that only empty, available, nearby taxis will be notified of a cabFLARE, so other drivers/companies are not effected. Furthermore, only one responding driver will ever see the pickup address, reducing wasted driver response. Why not provide solutions that assist in breaking old habits, instead of just transferring the problem from phone to smartphone app. Remember, cabFLARE is a mobile web application accessible through any browser, NOT a downloaded, device specific app.
Q: What are some strategies the city is considering to solve this problem?
A: There’s a smartphone app spreading throughout San Francisco called Cabulous, where you can find a taxi on your smartphone and have a direct communication with the driver, not through dispatch system, but just, you see a driver close by, hail them electronically, and then see them approach on your smartphone. So we’d like to explore those options because they don’t interfere with telephone dispatch, they’re just another way to communicate with a taxi.
CF: The real problem is the bandwidth and processing needed to see all of the pretty cab images on your phone. cabFLARE’s can be launched in as little as 20 seconds (from loading of web app to launch of cabFLARE) - and then your are back to looking for a cab, not looking at your phone. The vast majority of consumers don’t care what taxi company or driver responds to their need, so the community rating and other fluff is silly. Those that do should have that company on autodial with their phone - who needs an app for that?
Q: Will this work for people who don’t have smartphones?
A: You could put an iPad in a Safeway grocery store where someone leaving the store could hail a cab from there. You could have the receptionist at a clinic hailing a cab from the internet site instead of trying to call through the dispatcher. You can reach people at the grocery store, the library, coming out of a doctor’s appointment. And I think that has a lot of potential to increase service.
CF: cabFLARE can enable SMS text messages and/or Twitter messaging from non-smartphones. In addition, businesses can use cabFLARE or eventFLARE for their patrons today.
And, in closing, cabFLARE can be used by drivers adopting Square, Inc.'s low-cost, self-empowered payments system for your smartphone. Why wait days to get your hard-earned money from other vendors. Aren’t we all tired of the drivers getting marginalized at every turn by <fill in your favorite oppressor here>? cabFLARE wants to help you help yourself and your community to make things better for all.
Please help spread the word. Thanks!
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